Soa Chiefdom Yearns For Community Radio

The Soa chiefdom, in kono district eastern Sierra Leone, identifies as one of their felt needs a vibrant community radio that will disseminate useful public information to stem the circulation of rumours, manage community expectations and prevent conflicts that hinder development. Paramount Chief Emmanuel Torchel Tamba  Foryo says as part

PC Foryo takes CDCC members on conducted tour of radio site

of their new outlook in development of owning the process, they have started the construction of the building to house the station entirely from their own resources and are looking forward to Fambul Tok support for equipment and training.” You have trained us how to build our community infrastructure in a sustainable way through our document the chiefdom development plan. We are open to support from government and development partners but in line with our plan. We are happy for the support of Fambul Tok, International Assistance Support team and UNDP (UN Peace-building Fund)”.