32 teacher coordinators from 16 schools #Peace Clubs from #Kailahun, #Moyamba, #Pujehun and #Koinadugu end 2021/22 End of Year Planning Conference in Bo district, southern #Sierra Leone. Coordinators flagged the successes, challenges, lessons learnt and activity plans for the way forward for 2021/22 peace building in schools. Fambul Tok (FT) facilitated the conference as part of creating peace and national cohesion in the country.
Abdul Rashid, representing the Executive Director, told participants that the purpose of the workshop was to assess the work done in the year ending, draw on the positives of the lessons learnt and develop innovative and achievable work-plans within the context of value for money that suit the concept of the Wan Fambul Peace Clubs (WFPC). Participants should also take note of the socio-economic context in the country and Covid19 pandemic situation in the globe. He reminded them of their roles and responsibilities as teachers and emphasised that what ever they do must be in the best interest of the kids. “The main function of the clubs is to build peace in schools and the communities,” he said.
FT Schools Coordinator Joseph Kargbo commended the coordinators for their hard work in the year ending, especially, for the launch of the clubs, commemoration of 30 years Sierra Leone’s civil war anniversary and the Day of the African Child. He said FT is committed to supporting the schools programmes, especially for the value it brings to the kids and communities at large. They are our hope for tomorrow, he said
The 16 schools gave updates on activities they carried out in their schools, the challenges and the way forward in group work presentations organized by districts.
The coordinators agreed that the operation of the school clubs is good for their schools. Kailahun Ahmadiyya School teacher coordinator Yatta Momodu said” we recorded not a single incident of violence in our school this year whilst those without SPC were battling with indiscipline. In Pujehun for the first time kids were able to seat with parents and discuss about the history of the civil war and peace. Koinadugu reported that the SPCs have become role models for good behaviour in the schools and platforms for reminding pupils about the ills of conflicts.
All Schools reported challenges posed by Covid 19 and resource constraints to scale up some of their activities. A handful said they encounter resistance from some superiors, and asked for capacity building in dealing with some conflict issues.
The Ft facilitator admonished them to use these challenges to inform the development of the 2021/22 work plans. He reminded them to be innovative in the midst of the corona pandemic, little resources and manage expectations in order to deliver on the goals of the SPC. He explained to them the benefits of having sustainable programmes as FT and the donors will not be around forever. But hope the clubs should serve as a legacy for all partners.
The Teacher Coordinators produced work plans for all four districts that will drive the activities of the 16 SPCs in the 2021/22 school academic year.