Fambul Tok International-SL on Wednesday 16th February 2021 facilitated the formation of chiefdom Peace Mothers executive in Kamajei Chiefdom, Moyamba district.
Section chief Patrick Demoh acknowledged the work of Fambul Tok in establishing peace and unity in his section and the chiefdom at large and praised the support of the African Transitional Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF) to the activities. He encouraged the women to be united and stressed, “Unity is strength”.
The rationale behind the formation of the Chiefdom Peace Mothers executive is to support, strengthen, monitor and supervise the work of sectional groups in the chiefdom according to Fambul Tok Joseph Benjie. He added that the chiefdom executive also has the responsibility of lobbying and advocating on behalf of the sectional groups. He ended by admonishing the women to select members that were capable of handling their activities.
The result is as follow: Margaret Lamin- chairlady; Mamie Koroma- Vice chairlady; Iye Ngegbe-Treasurer; and Lucinda Lahai- Secretary
Peace Mothers representatives, from all seven (7) sections in the chiefdom, witnessed the formation of the executive. The sectional Peace Mothers groups are involved in fundraising activities to support to support their sectional activities. Mogbuama section for instance, have raised Le 890,000 and are involved in revolving loan scheme.
The new chairlady Margaret Lamin thanked the women for the confidence they placed on her. She said in order for the executive to succeed sectional groups should be very dedicated to their activities. Madam Lamin pledged support towards the progress of Peace Mothers groups in the whole of the chiefdom.
The chiefdom is faced with a lot of transitional justice problems including, ritual murder, rape, lack of quality education and teenage pregnancy.
Their first meeting is on the 5th March 2021 at Ngeigombu section, Senehun village.