Fambul Tok supports football gala aimed at promoting peace and social cohesion under the UNDP Human security project at Yaadu Gbense in the Gbense chiefdom of Kono district, eastern #sierraleone.
Two teams compromising of youths from the various sections within the chiefdom are playing on non-competitive basis with football jerseys and other sporting equipment provided by Fambul Tok Interna

FT Lilian Morsay explains Peace and National Cohesion to players and Spectators

Team A and Team B in Group Photo
Project Officer and head of Peace Mothers Lilian Morsay sensitize players and spectators on political tolerance, peaceful coexistence, and non-violence elections. Bayafeh, Bayakor and Monidefeh sections had Team A in Yellow and Bafinfeh and Moindikor sections of Team B in White. The match ends with jubilation by all sides.