Claudia Agreda
Born and raised in Guatemala, Claudia Verónica Ágreda Ajquí’ has applied her formidable scholarship and dedicated activism towards improving the lives of the people of Central America. Currently a program officer for the justice access and food security programs for the Central American regional office of DanChurchAid (DCA), a major Danish NGO, Claudia has accepted a position on the Fambul Tok International Advisory Board.
Claudia attended the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala and obtained her M.A. in Human Rights from the Universidad Rafael Landivar. She has lectured extensively on human rights, conflict transformation and women’s rights at several prominent human rights and peacebuilding institutes, workshops and universities. Her expertise on methodology and critical thought in program building will prove particularly valuable to Fambul Tok, as will her hands-on experience applying these concepts in her work at DCA.
Claudia has also worked extensively in the field, documenting, among other things, the performance of Guatemala’s justice system and the lives of children and youth in Guatemala. She worked as a front line counselor for victims of gender violence in Guatemala, taking the testimonies of victims and advocating on their behalf with the government. She is a founding member of the women’s organization Alzando Voces and continues to lecture around the world on human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights and historical memory. She served on the Board of Directors from Escuela de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, where she organized Moot courts for students.
Claudia co-authored the article “Women, Childhood and Youth Labour Rights” in Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales, and published “Equity and Universality Human Rights Principles Are the same for Women and Men?” in Revista de Derechos Humanos.
Claudia is inspired by the work of FTI and thrilled to assist with our work. “I will obtain more from Fambul Tok than what I could give back to it,” she believes. “But I will give my personal commitment, passion and enthusiasm to this project because I witnessed the war in my country. My commitment is to the Peace, and this experience will allow to me to return all the richness that I have received during my walking on the Human Rights road.”