As part of their own contribution to community development, Peace Mothers in Lower Pemba and Kaheimor sections in Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun district have mobilized local resources toward the soap making process. These include gallons of palm oil and other materials. In Gboyama village on March 5, 2015, Sheku Koroma from Fambul Tok appreciated… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Peace Mothers
Fambul Tok Boosts Kono District with Soap Making Machine
As a complement to the efforts of the Government of Sierra Leone in the fight to eliminate Ebola in the country, Fambul Tok International-Sierra Leone has handed over a brand new soap making machine to Peace Mothers in Woafeh section, Tankoro chiefdom in Kono district. Formally presenting the machine on December 20, 2014, Director of… Read more »
Peace Mothers Intensify Campaign to Keep Libeisaygahun Chiefdom Ebola-Free
Surrounded by a number of ebola affected chiefdoms, Libeisaygahun is the only chiefdom that is yet to record a single case of ebola. How did one chiefdom, surrounded by other communities with ebola outbreaks, manage to remain ebola-free? Fambul Tok Peace Mothers have been working in collaboration with community members to compliment the national effort… Read more »
Glimmer of Economic Growth Despite Ebola Crisis
All is not lost in the midst of ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. Fambul Tok Peace Mothers from Masabong section, Paki Masabong chiefdom in Bombali district is one of hundreds of Peace Mothers’ groups that is proving this to the world. Despite the outbreak of the ebola disease in the country, coupled with restrictions on movement and… Read more »
Fambul Tok Intensifies Hand Washing Campaign to Prevent Ebola
On Tuesday October 21, 2014, Fambul Tok International – Sierra Leone launched a campaign to wash hands frequently with soap and water to avoid catching ebola. With support from the US Embassy in Sierra Leone, Fambul Tok’s hand washing campaign will motivate and mobilize thousands of people in the country to wash their hands with soap… Read more »
Press Release: Fambul Tok’s new Ebola prevention campaign
PRESS RELEASE – October 21st – Fambul Tok International – Sierra Leone “Wash your hands frequently with soap and water to avoid Ebola” Fambul Tok International – Sierra Leone, today October 21st launches a Campaign: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water to avoid Ebola. Fambul Tok’s Peace Mothers are leading in every aspect of… Read more »
Paki Masabong Chiefdom’s Revolving Loan Reaches 20 Million Leones
The Chairlady of the Fambul Tok Peace Mothers in Masabong section, Paki Masabong chiefdom, Bombali district in the north of Sierra Leone, during their regularly monthly meeting on June 5, 2014, proudly announced that their usual revolving loan scheme will amount to 20,300,000 Leones in July, 2014. Giving this update during a Peace Mothers meeting… Read more »
Upper Bambara Peace Mothers Empowered
On Tuesday June 17, 2014, in continuation of its support to Peace Mothers in the country, Fambul Tok International-Sierra Leone donated a brand new rice mill and officially opened the Peace Mothers information kiosk in Siama village, Bambara section, Upper Bambara chiefdom, Kailahun district. In a brief but very impressive relinquishing ceremonies, Fambul Tok Program Officer,… Read more »
Stories from Bombali
Excerpts from Fambul Tok Volunteer Sara Waldheim’s blog, Around the World with Sara. Follow her adventures here. On May 31 I attended my first School Bonfire & Oral History Presentation at Panlap Community Junior Secondary School in Bombali District. Fambul Tok is now in five schools in each of the six districts where they are active… Read more »
Information Kiosks Inaugurated in Nimiyama and Gbense Chiefdoms
One of the major challenges affecting rural communities in Sierra Leone is access to quality information. What often goes wrong in these communities is attributed to the lack of accurate, correct, and timely legal information. Over the years, Fambul Tok has observed that there is no locations in rural communities where people can access accurate… Read more »
PPP News and Events

Peace mother becomes first female town chief in Darsalam
A peace mother who was charged with the task of charge coordinating activities of her colleagues in Darsalam,Kasunko chiefdom Koinadugu district was recently chosen as the very first female town chief ever in the history of Darsalam 1 in Kasunko Kakelain chiefdom Koinadugu district. Madam Neneh Binta Barrie was... Read More >

68 Teacher coordinators undergo training on transitional justice /management of school clubs
A total of sixty eight teacher cooridinators from 34 junior secondary schools in Kailahun.Moyamba,Pujehun and Koinadugu districts have just concluded training sessions in various district headquarters towns. These sessions helped teachers to strengthen their work on transitional justice and management of peace clubs in their various districts.It was organised... Read More >