Fambul Tok: The Film premiered at SXSW! Visit the new film site and Like our new Facebook page for all the latest film news. You can now order your copy of Fambul Tok: The Book in our store.
Posts Categorized: What’s New
My Hero award
Fambul Tok International awarded the My Hero award at the 2010 My Hero Film Festival! You can read more about it on our blog.
Seeking Forgiveness
During Sierra Leone’s devastating Civil War, Tombudu town was the scene of multiple atrocities. A military commander called Colonel Savage gave the orders for these terrible crimes. Now he has returned with Fambul Tok to beg his people for forgiveness.
STORIES OF FORGIVENESS Take a video journey through the planting, tending and harvesting of the Kunduma Village peace farm, where a war-torn community nurtures a new peace.
John Caulker will address the International Peace Institute and UN Peacebuilding Support Office consultation on Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding on July 22, 2010. To learn more, contact us.
2nd Year Annual Report
FTI announces the publication of its 2nd Year Report, available now online in pdf form! Email us (info@fambultok.org) to request a hard copy.
March 23rd Press Release
FTI calls for March 23rd to be declared a National Day of Reflection and Healing in Sierra Leone. Read the press release. We also announce the publication of our 2nd Year Report, available online or in hard copy. Contact us to have one mailed to you.
Fambul Tok Documentary
Check out the documentary film being made about Fambul Tok! You can take your seat at a Fambul Tok bonfire, witnessing directly the moments of truth-telling, apology and forgiveness. The film trailer is up – fambultokthemovie.com.
PPP News and Events

Peace mother becomes first female town chief in Darsalam
A peace mother who was charged with the task of charge coordinating activities of her colleagues in Darsalam,Kasunko chiefdom Koinadugu district was recently chosen as the very first female town chief ever in the history of Darsalam 1 in Kasunko Kakelain chiefdom Koinadugu district. Madam Neneh Binta Barrie was... Read More >

68 Teacher coordinators undergo training on transitional justice /management of school clubs
A total of sixty eight teacher cooridinators from 34 junior secondary schools in Kailahun.Moyamba,Pujehun and Koinadugu districts have just concluded training sessions in various district headquarters towns. These sessions helped teachers to strengthen their work on transitional justice and management of peace clubs in their various districts.It was organised... Read More >